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Perfecting A Beef Bone Broth Recipe for Migraine Relief

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

Perfecting a beef bone broth recipe for migraine relief can be a bit tricky. A friend of mine had hers explode all over the kitchen... fat everywhere. As I found it all a bit overwhelming at first, I thought I'd share vital tips to make it all easier... and safe.

Perfecting A Beef Bone Broth Recipe For Migraine Relief @migrainesavvyMy Secret Formula - Beef Bone Broth Recipe For Migraine Relief @migrainesavvy

According to the GAPS diet and the Paleo Diet, beef bone broth or bone broth is one of the single most important things you can change in your diet to move towards optimum health.

Both diets claim to help eliminate migraines (eventually) by healing the gut. 

It's also neuroprotective. 

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Even when using a slow cooker, it is recommended to bring it all to a boil first and remove the scum that forms. 

If it boils too rapidly the scum goes back into the broth and it can taste sour.

So for the first two hours you are paying attention to your stock pot to clear the scum and then you will transfer it to your slow cooker.

I have been experimenting with just putting it in the slow cooker on high for about four hours and then turning it onto low for 24 hours up to 72 hours. I love that it all keeps cooking whilst I am away from home.

I must admit that I do not add vegetables as they tend to burn. I have tried that and I prefer to add them fresh later.

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First... Some Tips For Perfecting Your Beef Bone Broth Recipe for Migraine Relief

  • Use a big slow cooker to make a bigger batch of broth.
  • Leave room at the top - do not overfill with water.
  • Add vinegar at the beginning and let the bones soak in cold water for one hour before cooking.
  • Use a variety of beef bones.
  • Allow for 72 hours cooking time. BUT if histamine intolerance is a problem, only cook for 2 hours to avoid a histamine reaction.
  • You can re-use your hard bones until they crumble.
  • After you cool it in the fridge, do not remove the fat layer until you are ready to eat it.

For more tips read Beef Bone Broth Tips for Migraineurs FAQ.

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Beef Bone Broth Recipe for Migraine Relief

By Holly Hazen

Beef Bone Broth Recipe for Migraine Relief @migrainesavvy

Perfecting a beef bone broth recipe for migraine relief can be a bit tricky. According to the GAPS diet and the Paleo Diet, beef bone broth is one of the single most important things you can change in your diet to move towards optimum health. Here's my best recipe.

Prep Time:
20 minutes (plus 1 hour standing time)
Cook Time: 6 - 12 hours (max 72 hours)
Serves: 12 (3 litres)
Tags: Gluten Free
Recipe Category: broth
Nutrition Information: calories 50.6; fat content 0.1 g; protein 7.5 g


  • 2 kg (4 pounds) of organic beef bones
  • 1.5 kg neck bones (optional)
  • 2 - 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 carrots, roughly chopped
  • 3 celery stalks, roughly chopped
  • 2 dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 leek (green parts only if FODMAP), rinsed and cut into chunks
  • 1 small fennel bulb, feathers removed, rinsed and roughly chopped
  • 1 - 2 daikon radish (optional)
  • 2 unpeeled cloves garlic, halved
  • 6 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 large handfuls of flat-leaf parsley stalks
  • 2 - 3 Litres of pure filtered water


Here are your beef bone broth recipe for migraine relief instructions to help you make the perfect broth:

  1. You will probably need to go to your local butcher to get the organic beef bones. Ask him to cut the bones into pieces to help expose the bone marrow. Put the bones into your stock pot.

    If your bones are meaty - it's best to roast them first.  Just put the bones in a deep roasting pan to catch the fat that will come off them and cook for 20 minutes or so at 200 °C (400 °F). 

  2. Cover the bones with filtered water, leaving room at the top (don't overfill it). You can use less water if you’d like a stronger broth – but remember it will all cook down.

  3. Add the apple cider vinegar to the cold water and let it all sit for one hour. Stay away from malted vinegars. The vinegar breaks down the nutrients and marrow from the bones and releases them into the water.

  4. When the hour is up, add the: (onions and garlic if not FODMAP), carrots, celery, mushrooms, leek, fennel, daikon, thyme, and bay leaves and bring it to a slow boil. You'll need to skim the scummy froth off the top of the water for about 2 hours. If you don't want to leave the stock pot on the stove overnight...

  5. Remove the bones with a slotted spoon and transfer it all over to a slow cooker. 

  6. Turn the slow cooker on low for at least 12 hours (maximum 72 hours). The longer you can cook it the better.

  7. Be careful transferring the water because it has been boiling. Leave at least an inch at the top - again don't overfill it.

  8. Add the parsley for the last ten minutes of cooking.

  9. After the time is up, remove the bones and knock the marrow out into a separate container. You will eat some of the marrow with each cup of beef stock. Glass containers are preferred. Strain it with a fine sieve to get all the chunks out.

  10. The quickest way to cool the broth is to divide it between a few square Pyrex (glass) containers, and only fill them halfway. This will cool faster and reduce any chance of bacteria growth.

  11. You can also ladle the broth directly into glass wide mouthed canning jars (use a funnel) and when they cool down, they can be stored in your refrigerator. Once they are cool you can freeze them right in the jars. Leave space at the top if freezing. You might want to place these in cool water in your sink, so they cool down faster.

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