My Top Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - The ONLY supplement with all 7 essential magnesium types in one formula. Most only have 1-2 types, leaving you deficient.
Making lifestyle choices can be very difficult at times, especially when you are desperate to get better results in pain reduction.
Here are some top headache relief tips gathered from 10 migraine experts to help you make sense of triggers, symptoms and... to help you answer questions like these.
In this article, we will discuss:
I've started with my absolute favorites of all the headache relief tips...
Chocolate is NOT a migraine headache trigger!
1. There is a common myth around food triggers. Chocolate is not a trigger - symptoms are part of the biology of an attack. Eat what you like and you’ll still get an attack. [1]
The hypothalamus drives sleeping and eating. Biology wants us to be creatures of habit. An important factor in migraine management is to reinforce regularity and routine in sleeping, meal times, and exertion.
Are migraines are caused by physical stress? They can be. Let down from stress is common. So a regular exercise routine is essential to help reduce attacks.
2. For menstrual migraines try continuous low dose birth control; take magnesium 400 mgs per day - it's an anti-inflammatory and great for before periods; a triptan for short term management; see a gynecologist. For perimenopause try low dose birth control (10 mgs estrogen). [1]
3. Keep living your life. Try CBT, stress management, biofeedback, and simple relaxation techniques. Find a good psychologist who specializes in migraines. Dawn Buse [1]
4. As we age as things change. You must edit your history. Bring an updated typed-out list (include changes) to your next doctor appointment; bring someone with you or bring a video of your attack. This will help your doctor to diagnose, treat and manage your migraines more effectively. Dr. Purdy [1]
P.S. Try this full spectrum magnesium... I LOVE it.
My #1 Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough by BiOptimizers - combines 7 types of magnesium in a humic/fulvic monoatomic blend to optimize absorption. This is by far the best product I have found so far in terms of results.
5. Dr. Starling – uses the SEEDS protocol for a natural approach to help manage migraines.
6. You may have already heard of the MTHFR susceptibility gene for migraine with aura. This mutation means that half of the normal level of enzyme is produced. And this means that you can take neutraceuticals to reduce the frequency and severity of an attack.
Different genes will mean different treatments. Genetic testing is hoped to provide more targeted migraine treatments. Professor Lyn Griffiths [1]
Genetic testing will mean more targeted treatment.
7. Your partner may notice your mood and irritability showing up before an attack. Neck pain is common – it’s a premonitory phase of an attack, as are food cravings, light sensitivity, yawning and fatigue.
Taking an anti-inflammatory might be useful in the premonitory phase. Even if you feel nauseous it’s still possible to eat and drink – test this out.
The phases merge and overlap because multiple brain regions are being affected. Treat the prodrome with caffeine to help fight fatigue, mood changes and brain fog. Also consider using a neuromodulation approach – Cefaly or TMS. [1]
Use caffeine in the prodrome phase to help reduce fatigue and brain fog.
8. 40% of people have dental treatment before being diagnosed with cluster headaches. Dr. William Young, The American Headache Society [1]
9. Your list of triggers can look like a laundry list. Determine your low risk triggers. Poor sleep is a huge trigger versus eating 8 pecans. He lists these triggers that are high risk:
#1. Cereal grains: wheat, rye, barley, rice.
#2. Sugar.
#3. Omega six fatty acids.
#4. Dairy.
Easy changes are to remove sugar, eat whole foods or anything fresh (no
packaged or processed food), and cook for yourself as much as possible.
And a little note from me on your trigger tolerance levels. Migraine triggers can accumulate, slowly or quickly to instigate an attack. Like filling a cup of water until it overflows... be sure to make note of these things too and keep a diary.
10. Dr. Joel Saper warns us that the neck can cause, trigger and be a migraine symptom. There are seven different triptans that currently (with different delivery systems) have a descending action to help neck pain. If the triptan doesn’t help, that pain that could be an independent cause or injury.
So what is helpful to neck pain with migraine? Physical therapy, yoga, heat or ice to help the muscles relax, topical analgesics like Novocain can numb or a patch can be helpful.
Chiropractic care is not recommended. It is OK for the lower back but not the neck. Triptans can help back pain as well. [1]
Chiropractic care is NOT recommended for neck pain associated with migraine headaches.
If you've missed the free dates, you can still buy the package and support migraine research at the same time.
Have a happy, healthy, pain free week,
Holly x
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Headache Relief Tips Page Source:
1. The 2017 Migraine World Summit