My #1 Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - Top 7 Forms of Magnesium for Stress and Better Sleep. I personally use this to reduce attacks – nothing else compares.


This Home Remedy for Migraine Can Stop Pain

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

Have you tried using ginger as a home remedy for migraine? For centuries, this spice has been used to treat several ailments and now it can be used to help stop migraine attacks. In 2014 a study showed that taking 1/8 of a teaspoon of ginger was as effective as sumatriptan (Imitrex) in relieving acute migraine pain. 

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Superior Home Remedy for Migraine Attacks: Ginger @migrainesavvyThis home remedy for migraine can stop pain. Find out why @migrainesavvy

That’s right! This common spice sitting in your cabinet was as effective as the expensive triptan medications that can be associated with significant side effects for many people seeking pain relief. 

Did you know that?

Have you tried ginger to abort an attack?

My number one home remedy is ice packs but a very close second is now using ginger.

To get your best results you will likely need to use a combination of things to prevent attacks and then abort acute attacks. 

You will need be proactive with prevention and then have a strategy to abort the pain phase.

You also need to know what type of migraine you have so you can treat it effectively. Different types of migraine require different treatments.

In any case, ginger is definitely worth experimenting with. It’s a cheap, easy, effective way to help abort an attack. And as an added bonus, it can reduce your nausea and vomiting too.

I talk about it in my free workshop, here's the link...

My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements

Studies prove it's just as effective as the abortive sumatriptan

I first heard of this last year when I watched Dr. Michael Greger's interview on the Migraine World Summit and he said the dose was just as effective as the abortive sumatriptan. 1 teaspoon was used in the study, but Dr. G said 1/8th teaspoon of powder would be the place to start. Ginger powder or ginger root powder.

So many of us have a dozen signs a day. I think this is a million times safer than taking any medication.

Click here for a short 3 minute video on the studies. 

The warning is that ginger might upset your tummy. If it does, lower the dose. It helps the psychological anxiety that comes too. Just taking action helps me.

He also said to Google clinical to see what’s happening to move us forward in treatment and if you want to help and do one of the trials yourself.

So since the interview I’ve been testing out ginger with varying results. I have clients that are using it successfully to abort their attacks. It works for me on occasions but not consistently.

Start with 1/8 – 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder to abort an acute attack. 

If you don't want to take the powder, here's the Ginger Force supplement I recommend:

These ingredients can help you take control

The highlights from the summit also mentioned Dr. Richard Lipton’s common ingredients for us migraine sufferers who take control of our migraines and get into remission.

Now I have never, ever thought of using that word for migraines. Remission!

Using ginger might just be the home remedy for migraine you need to achieve remission.

Here are a couple of Dr. Richard Lipton’s risk factors for getting worse:

  • Have more frequent and disabling migraines from ineffective medications
  • Medications overuse

Comorbid conditions like:

  • Depression – 3 times more common with migraine sufferers
  • Anxiety – 50 % people with migraine have anxiety as a result of migraines
  • Asthma can lead to more chronic migraines
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • IBS – migraine of the gut! Similar over sensitivity to what we are eating
  • Other pain disorders – fibromyalgia 

Proactive and informed patients are healthier patients.

And here's what you need to get better:

  • find a good doctor you can work with
  • find effective preventatives (both medicinal and alternative preventatives)
  • build a good solid pain management plan with your doctor
  • become an engaged and informed patient
  • be open to experimenting to find what works

You can change things for the better.

Patients who do the best are the ones who take the lifestyle changes seriously. Both patient and doctor need to do their part.

I can say unequivocally, that the patients who do the best are the patients that take the lifestyle changes seriously. When patients come to me hoping I have the secret pill, that for some reason the last six doctors haven't given them, they're not going to do well. There's got to be this relationship between the patient doing their part and the physician doing their part.

~ Dr. Robert Cowan, Stanford University and author of the Keeler Migraine Method

Other benefits of this home remedy for migraine

This home remedy for migraine is more well known to help reduce nausea and vomiting in a variety of conditions. It comes in powder, capsules and extract formulations.

Here is a short video from Dr. Greger reviewing studies showing ginger to be effective for nausea, menstrual cramps and irritable bowel syndrome.

In Chinese medicine ginger is also used to heat the body. So if you are in need of some warmth during the winter, make sure you add ginger to keep you warm.

For more help check out my migraine pain management course (module 1 is FREE) and stay informed by joining the mailing list.


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Home Remedy for Migraine Reference: 
1. Dr. Greger’s Medical Nutrition Blog Available [Online] at:
2. Dr. Robert Cowan, Stanford University and author of the Keeler Migraine Method cited at the Migraine World Summit (April 2016)