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Migraine Headache Recipes To Reduce Attacks & Aid Recovery

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

I reduced my attack frequency by eating these migraine headache recipes each morning and now I use them to recover faster from long attacks.

Migraine Headache Recipes To Reduce Attacks & Aid Recovery @migrainesavvyAid your migraine recovery by sipping on protein rich puréed soups before, during, or after a long attack. Nourish your body @migrainesavvy

Migraine postdrome symptoms can last hours or even several days. If you are one of the unlucky ones who are debilitated by the hangover phase too, get plenty of rest and try sipping on this soup while you recuperate. Make sure you allow some time to recover.

It's common to experience these postdrome symptoms: fatigue, nausea, sensitivity to light, dizziness, body aches and difficulty concentrating.

Aid your migraine recovery by sipping on this protein rich puréed chicken, spinach and sweet potato soup before, during, or after a long migraine attack. Give your body what it needs to get back to normal... as fast as possible.

My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements

Right off the bat I have to tell you that I was very reluctant to use these puréed migraine headache recipes from my doctor.

It did not sound very... ummmm... delicious!

The results however, were very noticeable.

Increased energy levels right away and decreased migraine frequency over a few months. YEAH!

I've been eating this way for about ten years now... and I sure notice it when I don't have it.

Simply by changing that one thing in my diet (to the chicken purée recipe below, using water instead of homemade stock) I reduced my migraine frequency enough to feel like I had been on holidays.

I am not guaranteeing this will work for you... we are all different. But hey - it's worth a try. It's cheap, easy and definitely worth experimenting with. IMHO.

Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.

~ Hippocrates

The Surprise Combination That Reduced My Migraine Frequency

A while back I had to stop the broth I normally sip on after attacks for 3 weeks to do a breath test.

The combination of foods I use to make my organic chicken soup broth: onions, carrots and celery and sometimes parsley, had to be stopped.

When I changed to just using water... chicken, bok choy and pumpkin to do this breath-test, I had some surprising results.

My migraine frequency reduced in the first week and then even more the second week. 

Who would have guessed that avoiding chicken soup broth with onions would help me. I wish I had done this 1000 migraines ago!

I have been experimenting with food and migraine headache recipes for over 20 years. I never picked up on that combination. Have you? It's FODMAP.

Migraine Pain Management Course @migrainesavvy


Migraine Pain Management Course @migrainesavvy
There's an 8-week food experiment in my Migraine Pain Management Course.


There's an 8-week food experiment in my Migraine Pain Management Course. The first module is free >> click here for more

These Migraine Headache Recipes Provide Optimal Nourishment For Your Body

I can still not believe how delicious these puréed migraine headache recipes are, especially this chicken one with rosemary.

I found the rosemary taste to be quite strong, so please reduce it if you think you might find it too strong as well.

I know this idea is right out in left field, but my very expensive CFS specialist doctor recommends it for recovery from long migraines too.

Puréed food is easier to digest. And it simplified my diet. Lower GI vegetables that also contain less sugars. This means onions, and FODMAP.

Digestion problems are common to migraine sufferers.

First, you need these details on this cooking method and the portions. This method of cooking uses steaming and the right portions required to rebuild after a long illness. You can read more about that here - Migraine Diet Recovery Plan: How To Make One

Here are some more recipes:

And now... you can watch the video for the recipe or click here to go straight to the printed version.

>> Migraine Pain Management Course. Click here... the first module is free. <<

Nutrition Facts - Chicken with Sweet Potato, Spinach and Rosemary Purée Recipe @migrainesavvy

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 60 minutes

Serves: 1

Tags: Gluten Free

Recipe Category: breakfast, lunch or dinner

Nutrition Information: calories 359; fat content 20. g; sugars 2.9 g; protein 31.7 g

Puréed Chicken with Sweet Potato, Spinach and Rosemary Recipe

Chicken with Sweet Potato, Spinach
and Rosemary Recipe @migrainesavvy


  • 80 - 100 grams chicken breast (organic if possible)
  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 50 gms sweet potato
  • 1 t celtic sea salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper


  • 1/4 t fresh rosemary
  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1 T wholegrain mustard (optional)

1. To make the marinade put: oil, rosemary and salt, along with wholegrain mustard (if using it) in a jar, shake and set it aside for later. 

2. Get your wok or a large pot for steaming. Place water in the bottom with wood sticks or a metal rack to keep the internal dish raised above the water in the wok. 

3. Slice the chicken breast into small cubes (one inch or so) and add the rosemary marinade. You can marinate the chicken overnight if you have the time.

4. Measure out the spinach and put it in your small inside plate. Yes, you can use a plate too but you'll need high sides... you want to catch the juices. 

5. Cut the sweet potato and weigh your 50 grams. The portion will look much smaller than you are used to. 

6. Place the potato and marinated chicken on top of the spinach. 

7. I don’t have a metal wok, and I do four portions at the same time. So I use a large casserole bowl with 1.25 liters of water in the bottom. Then I use a silicone steamer and put a smaller casserole bowl inside it with no lid. The large cover goes on all of it and I steam it for an hour.  

8. In a wok, you will have to experiment with how much water you will need to cook the chicken how you like. The smaller the pieces the less time. But in general after bringing the water to a boil, let it simmer for 20 - 40 minutes... or one hour. Until the chicken is cooked.

9. If you are eating it right away put it straight into the blender with a little cool water to cool it down. If you can wait, let it cool down before putting in the blender. Blend until smooth.

Notes: I do not find that a hand held blender stick does as good a job as a blender. And a food processor leaves it quite chunky. 

You can add water if you find it too thick. You will need to add a little more salt if you water it down. Always taste it first to see what it needs.

You can freeze this, which is why I make 4 portions at once.

Migraine Pain Management Course @migrainesavvy


Migraine Pain Management Course @migrainesavvy
There's an 8-week food experiment in my Migraine Pain Management Course.


There's an 8-week food experiment in my Migraine Pain Management Course. The first module is free >> click here for more

More Options To Tempt Your Taste Buds

I hope you enjoy these migraine headache recipes.

Add some ginger in the winter months for some nice heat first thing in the morning, and ginger aids digestion too.

You can also try chicken with asparagus and rice or pumpkin.

Try any of your favorite combinations as long as you stick to the measured portions of each food required.

As I said above, my best migraine reduction results have come from using just - chicken, bok choy and pumpkin in the correct measures. With water not stock.

Keeping it simple works best.

More Migraine Headache Recipes

  Share Your Migraine Recipes  


Please share your favorite migraine headache recipes and food tips with me too. 

Sharing your migraine safe recipes will help thousands of other readers with migraines that visit this site. At least food is something we can control.

Except for popcorn! I can't control myself around fresh popcorn!

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