My #1 Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - Top 7 Forms of Magnesium for Stress and Better Sleep. I personally use this to reduce attacks – nothing else compares.
How To Work With Your Doctor On Medication Selection
To cope with chronic migraine attacks you will most likely need medication. The migraine medication list is long. It can be overwhelming, but really this is good news. There is a lot that can help you deal with the pain and reduce symptoms. But... it is trial and error and can take a long time to find what works. Effectively.
If you are overwhelmed or unclear about all your options, then this little (26 page) e-book will help you make sense of it all… faster. You can learn to take the right steps to help relieve your migraine attacks more effectively and perhaps reduce the trial-and-error time of testing medications.
To help abort an attack you will have to work closely with your doctor or headache specialist on medication selection. Sadly, not many doctors are well versed on this unless they are specialists.
There are hundreds of medications that are currently being used for migraine relief, however, only some are targeted specifically for migraine. This is where I come in with this e-book. With such a complicated condition, I am hoping to make it much simpler for you to find what works.
You will get better results with your doctor if you can provide details on your migraine occurrence, frequency, and severity (see the symptom tracker e-book). And then bring this list with you, where you can present your top 3 choices to be discussed.
It's simple and easy to use with step-by-step instructions to follow. And you can print out the pages to use again (and again) whenever you need them. And please note that new medications are being invented all the time, so these are current as of 2022.
The Whole Migraine Medication List for You to Peruse
1. Over the Counter (OTC)
2. Abortive Medications
3. Other Medications Recommended for Acute Migraine Attack Treatment
4. Preventatives - The First Line of Treatment
5. The Most Recent Migraine Medications
6. Finding What Works
7. How To Start to Formulate Your Pain Management Plan
8. Making Your Short List – THE LIST
Resources & References
And then how to make a short list.
Here are some sample pages from the inside...
Make your treatment plan a priority. Do not give up hope. And do not wait for it to get worse and become chronic.
There aren’t any fancy methods or difficult procedures here. Just follow the steps and you too will be sorting out exactly what you need to take to abort an attack or to get better relief in the form of daily prevention.
Armed with this information of the medications available, you are in a great position to discuss options with your doctor (family or general) if you can't see a specialist. Of course, it will be in your best interest to get referred to a headache or migraine specialist. But that can be a long wait. Plus, not all neurologists specialize in migraine, so be sure to ask.
I wish you the greatest success learning the steps needed to becoming migraine savvy and migraine free!
Order How to Work with Your Doctor on Medication Selection today. It’s IMMEDIATELY DOWNLOADABLE so you can start planning right away!
**THIS IS A PDF DIGITAL DOWNLOADABLE E-BOOK. No physical book will be shipped or mailed.**