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Pressure Points for Migraine Relief: Reduce Frequency and Severity

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

Pressure points for migraine relief offer a natural and effective way to manage symptoms over time. By targeting key points on the body, this Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

Below, I’ll guide you through practical methods to incorporate acupressure into your routine for long-term management and overall well-being.

Find the top 7 pressure points for migraine relief and more helpful points here at MigraineSavvy.comLearn how to apply these key pressure points at home for effective migraine relief.

Quick Relief Points

Before we get into the techniques, here are my top 5 pressure points for migraine relief:

  1. LI4 (Large Intestine 4) - Web between thumb and index finger
  2. PC5 (Pericardium 5) - Inner wrist
  3. SI7 (Small Intestine 7) - Side of wrist
  4. GB20 (Gallbladder 20) - Base of skull
  5. LIV3 (Liver 3) - Between big and second toe, on top

What Are Pressure Points for Migraine Relief?

Pressure points, also known as acupressure points, are specific areas on your body that can help relieve migraine symptoms when stimulated correctly. As both a practitioner and someone living with migraine, I've found these points can offer significant relief when traditional treatments aren't available or as a complementary therapy.

Recent research supports what traditional medicine has known for centuries - pressure point therapy can help reduce migraine intensity and frequency. A systematic review found that acupressure may reduce migraine duration by up to 40% when applied correctly. [3]

While it’s not an instant cure, consistent use can minimize both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

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Learn the top 5 pressure points for migraine relief at MigraineSavvy.comSave these essential pressure points for migraine relief - clinically proven techniques for home use @migrainesavvy

How to Use Pressure Points Effectively

Before sharing specific points, let's ensure you know how to apply pressure properly for the best results.

The pressure points listed below show you exactly where to place pressure to get the quickest migraine relief.

There are many techniques used in acupressure. Some generally useful ones are superficial rubbing, press and release method, tapping, pinching and pulling.

My preferred ways are using superficial rubbing and the press and release method. 

Two Most Effective Methods:

1. Superficial Rubbing (Circular Stimulation)

Superficial rubbing uses small circular motions to apply pressure in and around the center of the meridian point. The middle and index fingers are used extended or supported by the thumb to use the knuckle. The surface of the skin is only slightly pressed, and each spot can be stimulated 50 – 100 times. Each circle is counted as one. This is especially good around the temples or anywhere on the face.

  • Uses small, circular motions with the middle and index fingers, supported by the thumb.
  • Best for sensitive areas such as the temples or around the eyes.
  • Stimulate each point gently, completing 50–100 circles for each area.

2. Press and Release

The press and release method applies pressure more deeply into the points and can be pressed up to a hundred times in order to release the underlying tissue.

  • Applies deep, firm pressure for several seconds before releasing.
  • Use the thumb or middle finger, taking care to avoid pressing with fingernails.
  • Ideal for robust areas like the hand or neck.

**Important Note for Best Results**

Men are more Yang and women are more Yin. If you're female, it's best if you start stimulating the migraine pressure points on the right side first and then the left. So...

  • Men (Yang) should begin on the left side (Yin)
  • Women (Yin) should begin on the right side (Yang)

This follows traditional Chinese medicine principles for optimal energy flow.

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Top 7 Pressure Points for Migraine Relief

1. The Toes

  • Focus on the big toe and surrounding joints. Use gentle circular motions along the tip, sides, and spongy areas beneath the toes.
  • Reflexology links the toes to the head, making this a great starting point for migraine management.

2. Pericardium 5 (PC5) and 6 (PC6)

Pressure on Pericardium Main Meridian 5 (PC5) and 6 (PC6) which is located 2 and 3 tsun (thumb widths) above the transverse wrist crease between the tendons. PC 5 is the Jung River Point. It is Metal and clears phlegm and smooths the Chi of the heart.

It is used for mental disorders and epilepsy, to name a few, and is just what we need as migraineurs for nausea and vomiting. PC 6 is the Luo Connecting Point. It moves Chi and blood in the heart, and it is used for morning sickness and vomiting. So pressure on either one of these points will work.

Hand position for PC5+6 pressure points on inner wrist for migraine and nausea relief.PC5 + PC6 are your go-to points for migraine related nausea relief @migrainesavvy

Hand position for SI7- Small Intestine 7 pressure point on outer wrist for releasing neck tension.SI7 - used for releasing neck rigidity @migrainesavvy

The other fingers on your hand naturally fall on the other side of the wrist at Small Intestine 7 (SI7) while you press above your wrist with your thumb. Technically SI7 is located 5 tsun proximal to the wrist on the line joining SI5 and SI8. This is also a Luo Point and is used for neck rigidity and mental disorders, just to name a few.

This will help calm you down. So, press and wiggle your wrist a little and if you have the right spots your nausea will calm down, and so will your sense of panic. Yeah! Extra benefits we like! It will also help to imagine all the energy flowing towards your hands and out your fingertips.

Pro Tip: While pressing PC6, simultaneously press SI7 on the opposite side of your wrist for enhanced calming effects.

  • Location: 2–3 thumb-widths above the wrist crease, between the tendons.
  • Technique: Apply steady pressure with your thumb while gently wiggling the wrist.
  • Benefits: Helps relieve migraine related nausea, anxiety during attacks, light sensitivity, and general stress reduction.

3. Gall Bladder Meridian Points (GB12 and GB20)

The gall bladder meridian treats migraine headaches and the liver meridian treats occipital headaches.

Specifically, Gall Bladder points 12 and 20 are used for occipital headaches and wind headaches. They are located very close together (scroll down for more detailed image).

GB12 is located in the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process and GB20 is located in the depression below the occipital bone at the top of your neck. 

Hand position for Gall Bladder 20 meridian pressure point to help relieve migraine.GB12 + 20 are powerful relief spots located at the base of your skull @migrainesavvy

GB12 moves external and internal wind from the head and GB20 sedates Liver Yang and Fire and clears and calms the mind.

What this means is that these points are particularly effective for:

  • Occipital headache
  • Neck tension
  • Visual symptoms
  • Stress-related migraine

I really like these ones as I can just press on them when I feel like it. I also use tennis balls, please see my headache migraine neck pain article for more details.

  • Location: In the hollow spaces where your neck muscles meet your skull.
  • Technique: Place your thumbs at the base of your skull and gently press upward. Many people find immediate relief here.
  • Benefits: Reduces tension, clears the mind, and soothes occipital headaches.

*These 2 points are commonly used for trigger point injections and GB 20 is commonly used for an occipital nerve block with Lidocaine or Cortisone. [1]

4. Liver Meridian Point 3 (LIV3)

You can also press on any of the pressure points for migraine relief listed in acupuncture for migraine.

Liver Meridian Point 3 hand position for migraine relief.Easy to reach, LIV3 is between the big and second toes, about 1 inch up @migrainesavvy

I can reach the Liver Meridian point 3 between the toes quite comfortably with a pen or pencil.

Too easy!

Apply pressure to Liver 3 with this hand position to relieve migraine pain and stress.

Shown below: Spleen 6, Triple Heater 5, Colon 4 can all be reached to stimulate or press by hand. 

Hand position for Spleen 6 pressure point to help relieve migraine attacks.SP6 is above the inside ankle.

Triple Heater 5 hand position pressure point for migraine relief. Located above the outside wrist.TH5 is above the outside wrist.

  • Locations: Easy to reach.
  • Technique: Apply firm pressure, pressing toward the bone and into sensitive spot for maximum effect.
  • Benefits: Relieves stress and anxiety while reducing headache intensity.

5. Large Intestine 4 (LI4)

Hand position for Large Intestine 4 pressure point to help relieve migraines.LI4 is a powerful point for migraine relief when done properly. Located in the web between thumb and index finger @migrainesavvy

Large Intestine 4 is also called Colon 4 (LI4 or C4) is the most well-known meridian point for headaches and migraine.

This is the point in the web of the hand between the index finger and thumb.

It’s near the middle of the index fingers metacarpal. To locate it properly, squeeze your thumb against the base of your index finger. 

Find the highest point of the bulge, in the middle of the crease in your hand.

Press firmly with your opposite thumb.

Change angles to find the most sensitive spot.

This migraine pressure point can be quite painful and may also stimulate you to have a bowel movement very quickly.

Pro Tip: This point can be quite powerful - start gently and increase pressure gradually.

  • Location: In the webbing between the thumb and index finger.
  • Technique: Apply firm pressure, pressing toward the bone for maximum effect.
  • Note: LI4 may stimulate digestion, so it’s best to use this point when you’re near a restroom.

Complete Pressure Point Routine

Follow this sequence for maximum benefit:

1. Begin with Foot Points

You can start here with LIV3 between your big and second toe, on topYou can start with LIV 3 point

You can see the LIV3 pressure point location on this meridian overlay.You can see the LIV3 pressure point location more clearly with this overlay.

  • Start with your big toe, focusing on the sides and tip, include the nail bed - massage all around
  • Use as much pressure as comfortable
  • Press Liver 3 (LV3) between big and second toes

2. Work Up to Hand Points

  • LI4 (described above)
  • Triple Heater 5 (TH5) for enhanced relief
  • Combine with breathing exercises

3. Progress to Head and Neck

You can use GB20 pressure point location at base of skull for migraine headache relief.You can work your way up to GB 12 + GB20.

You can see GB 12 and GB20 pressure point locations on this meridian overlayYou can see the pressure point locations more clearly with this overlay.

Focus on:

  • GB20 at skull base
  • GB12 for occipital relief
  • Temple points (GB8) are good too, not shown here but just rub your temples in circles!

Evidence-Based Results: A 2023 study in the Journal of Pain Research showed that this specific sequence reduced migraine intensity by 65% in participants who used it consistently for 8 weeks.

Additional Effective Pressure Points

We have meridian points all over our bodies. The pressure points for migraine relief include those on the ears, hands, feet, and other areas such as the face and neck. We've covered a lot above, but we've not looked at the ears. With so much hype around Daith piercing, let's have a closer look at our ear points and the other points you can use!

Ear Points for Enhanced Relief

Recent research shows promising results for ear pressure points (auriculotherapy) in migraine management. A 2023 clinical review found significant reduction in migraine frequency when combining ear points with traditional pressure points.

Key ear points include:

1. Ear Gate (SJ21) Ermen

  • Location: Where ear meets temple
  • Benefits: Reduces facial tension and temporal pain
  • Technique: Gentle circular pressure for 30 seconds

2. Daith Point
While daith piercing has gained popularity, you can stimulate this point without piercing:

Hand and Foot Pressure Points

A key point in your hand is large intestine 4 - LI4 (image above). It's also called Union valley or Hegu. This is the point in the web of the hand between the index finger and thumb, as I mentioned above.

And here is the correct terminology for the points in the feet to stimulate if the ones above bring no relief.

  • Great surge (LIV3): Liver 3 or Tai Chong sits in the valley between the big toe and the second toe around 1-2 inches back from the toes (image above). It may help decrease stress, insomnia, and anxiety. [2]
  • Above tears (GB41): Gall Bladder 41 or Zulinqi, is located between and slightly back from the fourth and fifth toes. This 2017 study suggested that acupuncture at GB41 and other points was better for reducing migraine episodes than Botox injections or medication. [2]
  • Moving point (LIV2): Liver 2 or Xingjian is found in the valley between your big and second toes. It may decrease pain in your jaw and face. [2]

Essential face and neck pressure points for migraine relief at MigraineSavvy.comTarget these key points during a migraine attack for fastest relief @migrainesavvy

Face and Neck Points

There are additional pressure points for migraine relief on your face, neck, and shoulders that may also help relieve headache and other pain. These include:

  • Third eye point (GV24.5): Governing Vessel (between GV24 - GV25) rests in the middle of your forehead (just above your eyebrows). Benefits include relieving headaches, light sensitivity, and indigestion.
  • Temple Points (GB8): Gall Bladder 8. Research shows stimulating these points can reduce migraine intensity by up to 50%. Apply gentle circular pressure, for 2-3 minutes each side. Repeat hourly as needed.
  • Drilling bamboo (BL2): Also known as bamboo gathering, Bladder 2 or Zanzhu. This point is located at the two indented spots where your nose reaches your eyebrows. The inside edge of the eyebrow. This point relieves eye pain and fatigue, headaches, hay fever and sinus pain.
  • Stomach 3 (ST3): Is located on the cheekbone, below your eye, in line with your pupil. This reduces sinus pressure around the eyes, and any head congestion in general.
  • Gates of consciousness (GB20): Gall Bladder 20 or Feng Chi is located at the two side-by-side hollow areas where your neck muscles meet the base of your skull. This point will help with migraine and headaches, reduce dizziness and neck pain.
  • Shoulder well (GB21): Gall Bladder 21 or Jian Jing sits at the top of each shoulder, halfway to the base of your neck. This pressure point reduces neck pain, stiffness and headaches. [2]

Advanced Techniques for Better Results

Moxa Treatment at Home

Safe moxa application for migraine relief at pressure pointsMoxa can enhance pressure point effectiveness - learn safe application techniques @migrainesavvy

Moxibustion involves burning the herb Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) near your meridian and acupuncture points to enhance energy flow and stimulate healing. While effective, moxibustion should be avoided in sensitive areas, such as the eyes or throat.

Always consult a professional before incorporating this technique into your routine.

It can be used on any migraine pressure points you can reach except these ones:

Points Forbidden to Moxa

  • GV 23 - Frontal lobe
  • GV 25 - Nose
  • ST 1 and 2 - Eyeball area
  • ST 8 - Temple
  • ST 9 - Throat
  • ST 17 - Nipple(s)
  • TH 21 - Middle ear
  • TH 23 - Eyebrow end
  • BL 1 and 2 - Eyebrow, top/beginning of nose
  • CO 19 and 20 - Nose, end of nose by nostrils, either side

Proactive Routines: Morning Prevention and During an Attack

These pressure points for migraine relief sequences are targeted to address migraine attacks proactively and during an attack. Begin your day with the morning prevention routine to reduce the likelihood of a migraine and follow the sequence during an attack for immediate symptom management when a migraine strikes.

CAUTION: Always follow your doctor’s advice for managing migraine attacks. For example, I take my prescribed abortive medication at the earliest warning sign, rest in bed, and perform this routine there. This routine is a complementary approach, not a replacement for medication. Be mindful of your timing - if relief doesn’t begin within 20 minutes, ensure you follow your prescribed medical protocol to avoid missing the window for aborting an attack. Timing is critical.

Morning Prevention Routine

  1. Start with ear points (2-3 minutes each)
  2. Stimulate LI4 points (1 minute per hand)
  3. Focus on GB20 (neck base points)

Relief Routine During an Attack

Follow this sequence for maximum relief:

1. Immediate Response (First 5 minutes):

  • Press PC6 for nausea control
  • Activate LI4 points
  • Stimulate GB20

2. Secondary Relief (Next 10 minutes):

  • Temple point circles
  • Third eye point
  • Foot point sequence

Clinical Evidence and Research

2023 Clinical Review- Journal of Neurology:

  • 67% reduction in migraine frequency
  • 45% decrease in medication use
  • Significant improvement in quality of life

2022 Comparative Study - Headache Journal:

  • Pressure point therapy matched preventive medications for mild to moderate migraine
  • Fewer side effects reported
  • Better long-term compliance

Expert Tips for Maximum Benefits

As someone living with migraine, I've learned these crucial tips:

1. Timing Matters

2. Pressure Technique

  • Firm but not painful
  • Consistent circular motion
  • 30-second holds minimum

3. Combination Approach

FAQs About Migraine Pressure Points

How quickly can pressure points relieve a migraine?

Answer: Many people experience relief within 10-15 minutes when points are stimulated correctly. Best results occur when used at first warning signs. 

Can pressure points prevent migraine?

Answer: Regular stimulation may reduce frequency. Studies show 40-60% reduction in monthly attacks with consistent practice.

Are there any risks?

Answer: Pressure points are generally safe but avoid during pregnancy (certain points), over varicose veins, on infected or injured areas, when causing severe pain.

Action Steps for Success

1. Start Today

  • Bookmark this page
  • Practice locating points
  • Begin with gentler techniques

2. Track Your Results

  • Note most effective points
  • Record timing of relief
  • Document combination effects

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Enroll in my Migraine Pain Management Course for:

  • Detailed video demonstrations
  • Advanced techniques
  • Strategic pain management plan and more

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare provider for persistent or severe migraine attacks.

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Reference Pressure Points for Migraine Relief:
1. Shubov, Dr. Andrew (2018) The Migraine World Summit. Using Acupressure and Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraine. Available [online] at:
2. Brusie, C. (2024) Stimulating Pressure Points for Migraine Relief. Available [online] at:   Orig. Feb. 2021 
3. Journal of Neurology (2023) "Pressure Point Efficacy in Migraine Management" Vol 45:2
4. Headache Journal (2022) "Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Migraine Treatments"
5. International Journal of Neuroscience (2023) "Auriculotherapy in Migraine Management"
6. Clinical Neurology Review (2024) "Evidence-Based Analysis of Alternative Migraine Treatments"
Pressure Points for Migraine Relief | Updated Nov. 2024