My #1 Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - Top 7 Forms of Magnesium for Stress and Better Sleep. I personally use this to reduce attacks – nothing else compares.


The Best Migraine Products for Pain Relief and Comfort

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

There are a number of effective migraine products you can use to help yourself be more comfortable during a nasty, long attack (or short one). Think ice packs, lavender filled eye bags, blackout eye covers, and relaxing music or a guided meditation. 

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All of the products I share here will have to be tested by you. What works for one doesn't always work for everyone. They all have valid research behind them and are proven to work and assist with reducing migraine pain. Effectively. 

You can visit the whole shop here - Pain Relief Store. You'll find all the products you need in categories to save you time and effort, and hopefully money.

This section is more for comfort products to use to help during an attack. While you wait for the pain to subside. Please read this about timing - The 4 Phases of Migraine.

A Little Help During an Attack

My number one thing to use when an attack is on its way is an ice pack. I've tried so many things that do not work - like a Tens unit or acupuncture pen. More recently I've been experimenting with a Scenar device to help stop the attack from progressing to the pain phase. Nope. Nothing is as effective as an ice pack for migraine relief.

Tens units are affordable (in most cases) compact, convenient, and portable. Electrotherapy is a highly popular and widely used treatment method designed to decrease both chronic and acute pain.

Stimulation of the nerves of the body helps to counter the symptomatic pain of injury, for example, as well as increase blood circulation. It can also decrease instances of overall musculoskeletal pain.

More effective at prevention and relief are the devices specifically targeted to treat migraines (although more expensive) are the Cefaly and gammaCore, used to help with acute attacks. I've written about those here: Cefaly and gammaCore.

Get Relief from Nausea

I don't know about you, but when I feel that sensation of an impending attack, I still feel a bit of panic. I need to act FAST if I want effective pain relief and to tone down my long migraine episodes. Before the nausea hits.

These are great for nausea:

The MygraStick is not strong enough for my migraine attacks. It contains peppermint and lavender essential oil, so I just make my own with the essential oils. Lavender is calming and peppermint helps with nausea. Sometimes, but not always.

Ginger reduces nausea, it's more effective and reliable for me. Please test it out - ginger has other pain reduction benefits - you can read about that here - The spice that kills pain as well as a Triptan

Here Are My Top 3 Recommendations:

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Consider taking some magnesium to help calm those over excitable nerves. This is the one I use:

My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements

Ice Packs and Eye Covers Are Essential

I use ice packs and not heat to help stop my attacks. Here are my fav's, you can read about all the ice packs and hats available here - The Best Ice Packs for Migraine Relief.

And eye covers, and blackout curtains... are essential.

Get a Good Pillow!

I have a number of different pillows I use when I have a migraine depending on how sore my neck is. I find the contoured ones best for relief of occipital pressure. It sure has been a long journey to find the right pillow(s) for my migraine neck. Let me make it easy for you, look for a natural latex one.

Find Even More Essential Migraine Products

I hope you'll get better pain and symptom relief with the migraine products on this page.

For more ideas to help you get started on preventing and treating your attacks...

>> Check out the pain relief store <<

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