My Top Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - The ONLY supplement with all 7 essential magnesium types in one formula. Most only have 1-2 types, leaving you deficient.
Ever think of getting help in the form of migraine therapy? I don't mean triptan medications or the newest anti-cgrp meds available now by monthly injection. I mean coping skills to help manage chronic illness for decades.
5,800 is roughly the number of days I’ve suffered - physically and emotionally - from migraine attacks. If they’d followed on from one another with no respite in between, 5,800 days of suffering would equate to about 15 solid years of misery and pain.
In reality, I had a little respite. But when I say a little, I really mean a little: for 20 years, I lost pretty much 20 days a month, every month, to migraine attacks.
Migraine first struck when I was 29, about 8 months after a car accident. Over the course of the next 20 years, I tried every treatment that was available to me. The blame was shifted from the car accident to my job, from my anger to my hormones, from my lifestyle to my frame of mind, and pretty much anything else you care to mention.
No matter what I tried, nothing reduced the pain, frequency or severity of each episode. Migraine attacked my body, my mind, my relationships and my career. They left me depressed, alone and utterly, feeling hopelessly broken.
The good news - I’ve been migraine-free now for 3 whole years (with the exception of a small blip due to a friend’s perfume!). At my lowest point, I actively chose to take back control of my life:
Information + Education = Options + Choices
Migraine attacks may have totally shut down my old way of life, but - as hard as it may be to believe - they’ve given me a much healthier, more positive and deeply authentic way of being alive. They’ve taught me to become resilient, and to learn that I’m capable of coping with so much more than I’d ever have previously believed. They’ve opened my eyes to new disciplines, new experiences and new loves.
I’ve poured my decades of personal experience, knowledge, trial, error, pain and joy into four easy to follow, effective guides for all my fellow migraineurs:
I’m passionate about helping other people living with migraine to learn how to help their bodies and minds develop new skills to cope with and overcome these soul-destroying attacks.
It’s so easy to feel hatred towards the migraine attacks and your body, and to be consumed by loathing about it all. Believe me, I know how the depths of depression really feel. But what I most want to encourage you to do is to persevere. Don’t give up. Things will get better - and I hope you’ll let me help you on your journey towards a happier, healthier you.
My book is only $3.49 on Amazon, and you can enroll in my pain management course for free. I think it's just so important to know about getting your timing right - I made the whole first module free...
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How to be more MIGRAINE SAVVY right now...