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Inspirational Migraine Videos For When They Get You Down

Written and verified by Holly Hazen

Don't let them keep you down! I've handpicked these migraine videos to help you educate yourself on what to do to get your best chance at stopping the next attack. And to inspire you to be kind to yourself no matter what!

Gathering new tools and skills will help you be more prepared for the next attack. And all that comes with it. Let me help you build your resilience muscles with this first video (by me) explaining Why You Feel Panic Before An Attack.

Inspirational & Educational Migraine Videos @migrainesavvy

Science has proven that resources matter too, not just your doctors. If you're like me, you might benefit from having a whole team of support. Knowledge is power! 

What I mean by this, is that you will learn things from each professional you work with.

My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements

I don't know about you, but when I am coming out of a migraine, I can't think straight or perform any difficult functions.

If the pain has subsided enough, or my pain medications are working well, I can manage to watch a movie or a video. I can't read or be on the computer. Can you?

These short YouTube clips can be used as inspirational migraine videos between migraines or maybe just when you are feeling a little let down or depressed from all the pain and hopelessness of it all.

If you're really struggling, please seek professional help asap. Don't let depression spiral out of control. Your doctor is your first port of call.

You can get my course to help right now too - How to Manage Anxiety and Depression From Too Many Migraines. Click here for details...

Scroll down to watch the last video for the wise words from Finding Nemo... or to the Lissa Rankin Ted Talk, it's by far my favorite.

More Skills & Tools = More Comfort 

From The 3rd Annual Migraine Moment Short Film Contest

Invisible Hero - 3rd Annual Migraine Moment Short Film Contest @migrainesavvy

Educate Yourself on Migraine Disorder 

This migraine video published recently is, by far, the best I have seen to date. It explains the current understanding of migraine pathophysiology and includes explanations of new theories around the impact of our hormones and the evolution of migraine into a chronic disease.

This is a must watch!

What Causes Migraine Disease? 5 Factors in Migraine Neurobiology. Migraine Disorders @migrainesavvy

And this one called A Day in the Life of a Neurologist and Migraine Sufferer takes you through a typical day with the factors that can contribute to a migraine for most of us.

A Day in the Life of a Neurologist and Migraine Sufferer @migrainesavvy

The first step to managing migraines is education. This migraine video will help you understand your headaches.

Knowledge Is Freedom: Understanding Migraine @migrainesavvy

My Favorite Inspiring Migraine Videos So Far

This video from Health Choices Schools called Guided Relaxation and Self-Massage for Headache and Migraine is wonderful. I hope you enjoy it.

Guided Relaxation & Self-Massage for Headache & Migraine @migrainesavvy

I have found Brene Brown's video to be heart warming, not only for us migraineurs who may suffer from vulnerability and the shame of being sick forever... but for anyone really.

Brene Brown on Vulnerability @migrainesavvy

Optimism on a more scientific level still leads to success. Your built in positive thoughts ignore divorce statistics and your naive expectations can lead to faulty planning and excessive risk taking.

Optimism actually enhances our health and well being, but mild depression is more realistic. How do you respond to bad news and good news? Tali Sharot says you can change that now, but do you want to?

Tali Sharot The Optimism Bias @migrainesavvy

This YouTube clip is so well done... if you want to learn how to meditate in just one minute a day...

One Moment Meditation @migrainesavvy

I have a course with meditations AND energy healings, click here for details...

Click here for the meditation and energetic healing course @migrainesavvy

This video is for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) by Dr. Bruce Campbell. I also have CFS, I had migraines first, but migraines are one of the major symptoms... of CFS. If you substitute the word relapse for migraines - you'll fit right in.

He talks about what to do to limit the severity of relapses. Many things in this video are useful for migraines like: pacing and resting and taking care of yourself. He works closely with Dr. Charles Lapp.

Limiting Severity of Relapses @migrainesavvy

And this one called Seven Non-Drug Treatments for Pain. Bruce Campbell reminds you that treatments with heat and cold should not be used for more than 15 minutes at a time. It's good stuff to know. I lie on my ice packs until they melt. Oops.

Seven Non-Drug Treatments for Pain @migrainesavvy

These inspirational videos have great tips like making a not to do list, delegating and getting help and being realistic about housework. As a migraineur, you need to consider all these things too and not feel guilty.

Lissa Rankin Ted Talk

This one brings tears to my eyes. Being positive makes a difference, so keep building your resilience muscles here with me or with whoever brings you joy (skills and guidance).

Is there is scientific proof we can heal ourselves? [hint... yes there sure is!]

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? Lissa Rankin, MD @migrainesavvy

If you have seen some wonderfully inspiring videos that would help other visitors here, please send me the link at contact me.

For now, I will just put them up as I find them for you to enjoy. 

Hang in there. I know you can do this.

just keep swimming...

Finding Nemo "Just Keep Swimming" Clip @migrainesavvy

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And don't worry -- your e-mail address is totally secure. I promise to use it only to send you my newsletter.

Watch these hand-picked migraine videos to help you learn coping skills and prepare ahead @migrainesavvy #migrainerelief #stopmigraines #migraineheadaches

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