My #1 Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - combines 7 types of magnesium in a humic/fulvic monoatomic blend to optimize absorption. I personally use it to combat attacks – nothing else compares.
Have your migraine attacks have become worse over the past few years? There has been a 70% increase, in fact, according to a study done by the Headache and Migraine Policy Forum.
The study also found that:
If you've been struggling more this year too, here is a great way you can help yourself find new solutions.
Here are the 2024 Migraine World Summit event dates - the free online event is scheduled for the March 6 - 13th with special live events and other surprises.
I’ve already had the chance to hear from one of the event’s co-hosts, Carl Cincinnato, and I can tell you that there are some really exciting new topics again in this year’s summit.
The interview I am thrilled about, which has been my new area of focus for the past 4 years is...
The Nervous System, Stored Trauma & Migraine with Irene Lyon, MSc. Master Somatic Practitioner. Day 4.
>> Here's the link to the 2024 Schedule <<
Anyway, this was just supposed to be a quick note about the dates. If you have been involved in past years, your old username and password will still work for this year’s summit. So you can just look forward to it!
If you have not registered before, I encourage you to do it right now. Truly, don't leave until later and forget. This event changed my life, I'd love it to do the same for you.
I encourage you to register ASAP, even if you're not sure if you will be able to attend or watch all the interviews. Even though it’s online, we’re still busy, and sometimes that migraine brain just can't look at the computer screen for too long. So, pick a few and watch what you can. Register anyway and share this with anyone you know that it might help.
Why? Because there is power in numbers! It's like a vote. And because the number of people registered shows experts, researchers, advocates and policy makers worldwide just how important fighting migraine really is.
So I’ll announce more details later, and you can decide how you want to be involved in March when the time comes. But today - it’s easy! - just take a couple of minutes to register for free on the Migraine World Summit official site.
Cast your vote and show the world that ending migraine pain should become a major priority.
And for those of you who are interested, you can also save on the library of interviews and many other resources if you purchase a pass before the summit (they have early bird pricing). Yes, the live summit is free. But you may like to have the full library to go over at your leisure. PLUS, there are a lot of updated extras if you invest in an access pass.
Check that out here, and be sure to scroll down to "Pass Features" (the grey and orange box) to see what’s available. For example, you’ll gain access to the extended uncut interviews and instant online access for unlimited streaming and downloads. And you can even gift a pass to someone with migraine, if you want to support them as well!
I hope to see you there.