My Top Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - The ONLY supplement with all 7 essential magnesium types in one formula. Most only have 1-2 types, leaving you deficient.
The migraine world has been buzzing with new migraine treatment developments around the new CGRP medications to prevent attacks. Learn what other new migraine treatment options you have and say goodbye to pain and confusion.
In an ideal world I would tell you that these new drugs could change your life and stop your attacks forever. And that might be possible... for sure. It's happening.
But I also need to be real and warn you that currently, there is no cure for migraines. And finding what works to stop every migraine, every time, forever... that might not be possible.
What you can do is to learn to manage the whole thing better, and stop each migraine progressing to the pain phase. And that should reduce those nasty symptoms as well. This took me 14 years in fact... but there were no triptans then and no online sources for learning how to do this!!
Let's have a look at some new migraine treatment options you have now and make a plan to move forward, with your doctor of course.
My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements
Hail the Almighty Triptan!
For over a decade, the designer triptan drug has proven to be the most effective class of migraine abortive drugs discovered so far. Check this a-z list to see which one you can ask your doctor for now.
CGRP Drugs for Migraine
CGRP levels increase in our blood and saliva when we have a migraine attack. So it makes sense that CGRP drugs for migraine will be new strategy to treat and prevent migraine. And they're available now.
New Migraine Medications: Is It Time to Get Your Hopes Up?
Is this the start of real change? Learn about the new migraine medications like: Erenumab; Fremanezumab; CGRP receptor antagonists; inhaled DHE; Memantine and what this means for future migraine relief.
New Drug For Migraine Aimovig
Are your meds working? The first CGRP medication to prevent migraines has been approved by the FDA. But, can you afford to try the new drug for migraine Aimovig? Here are some pros and cons to help you kick migraines to the curb.
Erenumab for Migraines: Everything You Need to Know
Is your migraine medication working? If not, here's the newest CGRP drug to help prevent them. Learn about Erenumab for migraines, everything you need to know about the newest CGRP drug that prevents migraines.
I'm sure you're wondering what this might have to do with migraines... read on...
This TED
video below with Robert Fischell grabbed my attention. He talks about heart attacks, migraines
and epilepsy. He is the inventor of the rechargeable pacemaker that
will be used as a new migraine treatment option. They have them now... and they require surgery.
If I apply a magnetic pulse on salt water — that’s your brains by the way — it’ll generate electric currents, and the electric current in the brain can erase a migraine headache. That's what we have discovered.
~ Robert Fischell on Faraday’s Law
He goes onto to say that the migraine is preceded by visual aura
and that it starts off very "little until it fills the whole visual
field." He identifies the Cadwell model MES10 magnetic stimulator that
has short magnetic pulses to interfere with the erroneous activity in
the brain.
He has designed a small portable machine, that resembles a gun, which he shows in this news interview.
He starts on migraines at 11:13 into the talk. One of his wishes is to "prevent or ameliorate migraine headaches by the application of a safe, controlled magnetic field pulse applied as needed by the patient." This slide appears on the screen at 11:33 and the new migraine treatment section goes to 16:39 or so.
Have you tried this option yet? I've been testing it out for a few years now, I don't leave home without them! And you can get them on amazon - precision tinted lenses.
I did loads of research, as I do, and found that the highly advertised and widely sold over the internet, FL-41 tint is not for everyone.
The studies I reviewed said to get tested using a colorimeter first, before just buying what is available over the internet. So look around to find a specialist or behavioral optometrist that does this testing. I've turned out to be on the bluer spectrum, a teal green tint and I've darkened the tint once more for computer use.
Here's a little more on light sensitivity - Migraine Light Sensitivity: How To Reduce It.
And just two more things I want you to know before you go... I've written about them on these pages:
That's it for now, stay strong,
Holly x
P.S. Here's an amazing story that Health Central covered on the success of using virtual reality for pain management with burn victims. It's a reminder that new developments are happening all the time, even if we don't hear about them. It's a reminder of hope for the future of pain management.
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How to be more MIGRAINE SAVVY right now...