My #1 Choice - Magnesium Breakthrough - Top 7 Forms of Magnesium for Stress and Better Sleep. I personally use this to reduce attacks – nothing else compares.
Prevent your attacks with these easy migraine home remedy alternatives. Below are 8 ideas including the two best supplement combinations for migraines. I have a few that didn’t work for me, don’t waste your money on things that don’t work.
But experiment with everything you can... because it might!
Not every supplement will be beneficial to you for your migraines.
Each individual is unique so, where one is deficient, another may not be.
Many doctors recommend taking a combination of the supplements to cover all the bases.
If these easy home remedies don't work for your migraines, make sure any health professional you decide to work with, knows about migraines and how to treat them effectively.
I think it is essential to try these and see if they work for you.
Dr. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz in their book “You Being Beautiful” recommends this combination:
The doctors recommend trying these even though there is not enough evidence to convince them of the efficacy of vitamin therapy. But in chronic problems it is worth a two or three month trial period. They say the vitamins may take 6 weeks to work.
Dr. Alexander Mauskop, Neurologist and director of the New York Headache Center recommends this combination:
Have a short black coffee at the first sign your migraine is coming. This will only work if you are not already a coffee drinker. Coffee is a paradox when it comes to migraines because it can be both a trigger and an abortive.
Caffeine withdrawal is a common trigger, but like I said if you don’t normally drink it every day then it might become your savior. I used coffee for about 4 years as an effective abortive, and I had fun on the caffeine buzz. When I could not start the day without a coffee, it stopped working.
The lesson here: you can't use coffee for aborting a migraine attack when you are a caffeine junkie.
I won’t go into lifestyle too much here, I feel like I’ve harped on it quite a bit already. But do eat regular meals, and have a regular sleep routine. Don’t oversleep or undersleep. I know easier said than done – but do try if you are suffering from too many migraine attacks.
My #1 Choice in Magnesium Supplements
Exercise regularly.
Housework is exercise!
Dr. Oz reminds us that regular aerobic exercise "helps relieve stress and increases the levels of pain killing endorphins" in our bodies.
So this means doing anything outdoors.
Walking, swimming, biking, and it includes yoga, stretching and meditation.
Reduce tension and
relax. That’s my new mantra.
Stop wearing perfumes, heavily scented deodorants, perfumed hair products and skin care products.
Stop using toxic chemicals to clean your house, and laundry detergent that is guaranteed to smell fragrant for weeks.
Record the date in your migraine diary and see if your pattern of attacks change at all after that.
Drink lots of water. All day long. Adding a tablespoon or so of organic apple juice to a large glass of water will also keep your brain hydrated, it's a win - win!
I can also recommend sipping on hot chicken soup broth as a migraine home remedy, even if its canned that’s fine. It will help you stay hydrated during the attack.
According to the infamous, chicken soup "broth replaces much needed electrolytes" and helps relieve vomiting and "general weakness associated with migraines."
I rarely see this listed as a migraine home
remedy but we have to balance our electrolytes
Author Louise Hay in her best seller You Can Heal Your Life says that migraines "are created by people who want to be perfect and who create a lot of pressure on themselves."
She also says that a lot of suppressed anger is involved and that masturbating will alleviate the migraine if you do it as soon as you have your first migraine symptom.
I thought it was worth a try, but her method did not work for me at all. It brought the vomiting on faster, but hey – you can have fun trying this one.
She also says that migraine headaches are from a "dislike of being driven" and "resisting the flow of life." She includes "sexual fears" (hence the masturbating as a solution) and provides us with this affirmation:
I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Life is for me.
~ Louise Hay
Another one of my home remedies for migraine headaches is using a combination of a few drops of essential peppermint and lavender oil. I add them to some hot water with a wash cloth for my forehead, or to a carrier oil (almond) to rub on my temples, forehead, lower back and stomach.
I find the combination both soothing and calming. Anything to
calm down our nervous system is beneficial.
I have also used rescue remedy in the past to accompany a short black coffee, for when I have to push through some horrific pain and have forgotten my medication. I also never leave home without my polarized sunglasses which I also wear indoors on any occasion I need to.
Please read my article on the Migraine Remedies Need The Right Timing To Be Effective for even more ideas.
And just fyi this was not a good migraine home remedy for me.
Until next time, be well and be pain free,
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How to be more MIGRAINE SAVVY right now...
Migraine Home Remedy References:
1. Hay, L. (1984) You Can Heal Your Life. Specialist Publications: Australia. p129, p174.
2. Roizen, M. MD. and Oz, M. MD. (2008) You Being Beautiful. Harper Collins Publishers Ltd: USA.